I love radical transparency, and I love the mini-podcast nature of this vocal post! I was able to listen to you as I puttered around before starting work this morning. Awesome!

Your timing with this post is serendipitous because I've very recently made the decision to self-publish :D And your perspective reinforces why it's the right choice for me now. Becoming 'rich and famous' from writing seemed so DOABLE back in the day, didn't it?? And we certainly saw some peers get there. But it feels even more impossible these days, and I'm tired of waiting on something that probably won't happen before I let myself really live.


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Love this form, the perfect amount of time and a great way to answer questions!

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Really enjoyed this and the new format!

It feels like listening to you chat on tour

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I rely on audio for accessibility so I love this! As for a name, writes & soundbytes rhyme so maybe something like Sooz Writes Soundbytes or Writing Bytes (which would also be a little play on words when heard rather than read visually).

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Oh my gosh, I love love love the audio format! Thanks Sooz! I get to listen immediately instead of waiting to find a time to go through emails. Hope your tour goes well and that your asthma improves soon!

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Love this. Thank you too for the transcript for those of us with auditory processing disorders (as well as the HoH and deaf folks).

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This is so true about the debut year being really hard! I chose to publish independently, and also chose to focus on getting a completed series out before focusing on marketing (because marketing is a whole other skill and I have a day job and limited time/energy), so I know that it's going to take time before I grow a readership. I understand all that logically. But it still kinda stings when no one is reading my book lol.

Also I wanted to say how much I appreciate you including transcripts; I have an auditory processing disorder so I rarely listen to podcasts or other audio, so I really appreciate you being inclusive and making this accessible!

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If the audio gives you more time, then go for it! Ultimately, I think everyone will be glad to hear your thoughts and tips, no matter the format. The transcript was pretty good too, so no worries there!

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I enjoyed hearing your real voice! A mix of methods feels natural. If I hear a nugget I need to see, I like having a transcript. But this Q&A struck me as a chat among friends, as if over coffee. Or ice cream. Or by the pool. Thanks for keeping up, and best wishes on tour!

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I too am such a visual learner that I usually opt for a transcript - but have sought out more audio because I am typically wrangling a 3-year-old. Appreciate the insights here!

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I enjoyed the audio post. Keep them coming!

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Thank you for the transcript! I rely on them for accessibility! I also didn't really register any weird wording (that may or may not have been what was said) so whatever program you are using does a good job of not just producing random words but actually capturing your spoken words.

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I think the answer to Joshies question is great insight. Known but not famous. Would be fantastic to be a famous author but then again it all comes with pros and cons. Love what you are doing.

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I really liked the format!

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I fell in love with audio books (roadtrip with our kids, grocery shopping, cleaning house) as a way to being engaged while doing something otherwise mind-numbing), so I tend to load up my days worth of “reads” while enjoying my breakfast tea, then I can listen throughout my day as time and activity allows. And the AI voice is so hum-drum and leaves awkward pauses, so THANK YOU for letting us hear your voice!

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Like the audio & transcript thanks for adding it. As for names how about Chat with Sooz/Chatting with Sooz.Almost sounds like you're chatting with a friend.🙂 I also like the name you mentioned News with Sooz. Love the transparency & realness in your response to the question. It's also good advice for new writers like me that things might not always work out as you hope it might be.

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