Arggh... Can't imaging living with a book for so long. Here's what I'd do Susan. Slap that thing on the butt, deliver the ms to your agent and yer done : )

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I really appreciate you sharing your process with Screechers, as someone who has been struggling with the same writing project for almost 5 years it's been really encouraging to know it's not just some weird problem only I'm dealing with and that some projects really do just take a long time to get right :,) And I'm very excited to see updates on Screechers again!

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I’ve loved every iteration and step of watching you tackle Screechers over the years. I’m excited to see where these next steps take you! I’ve had a story that I’ve similarly had bouncing around that I’ve gotten to 30,000 words or so… three times over the last decade before I was like I need to set it aside, mostly due to your advice and several years later I’m starting to think of it again. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If it ever becomes more but I appreciate all your advice always!

Also I too put a pot of tea in a thermos for the day when I go into the office which is a truck I got from my mom 😂😂

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The book sounds really cool Susan! Can’t wait for more updates on it 😊

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Can’t wait to read it when it’s reaches its final form 🦋

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