Thank you for these tips, Sooz! For NaNoWriMo this year, I worked on a project in a completely different genre than what I usually write. I’m hoping the reset will be enough for me to resume editing my main project in Dec.

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Resets are SO good for some us! I am obviously a “reset writer.” My agent knows that as soon as I turn in something for a deadline, I’ll shift gears for a bit to a “palate cleanser,” as I call them. But same idea! Something to let my brain reset for a time. Good luck!

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I have never read anything I relate to more Sooz! I feel so seen and so heard 🙈 I’ve only realised recently that I tend to cycle through projects too— I have 2 that I shift between and when I get stuck on one I go to the other! It’s also a great way to keep my mind from fixating on the problem I’m stuck on too, it’s like “here brain! Shiny new toy to distract you while the characters pull themselves together in the subconscious” 😂😂

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This was so reassuring to me. I recently realized that I have trouble completing things (not just writing) when I am only focused on that thing. Need to clean the living room? Can't even get started. BUT need to clean the living room AND make iron on tshirts for christmas gifts? Now we're talking! If I spend a little time on one thing, then a little time on another, I am much more likely to go back to and finish the first thing!

I was pretty hesitant to try applying this to my writing life, but reading this post is giving me more confidence to just give it a shot. <3

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PS: I'd love to hear more about your experience with Becca Syme's work. Did you use their classes, read the books...?

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